is a sport popular among men and women around the world. It is one sports that can be player over a lifespan, in Australia players range from five
to eighty-one years of age (Anonymous, 2014). Australia contains 143,000 registered hockey players
in 880 clubs, it is also a popular sport chosen to teach in physical education
classes in Australian schools. There are many skills involved in the sport such
as hitting, flicking, pushing, dribbling and running (Anonymous, 2014).
penalty stroke is a vital aspect of the game, proper execution will often
result in a match winning goal, it is a one-on-one competition against the goalie.
A penalty stroke is only awarded when an infringement occurs inside the circle to stop a goal
from being conceded and to decide the winner of a tied match (Isport, 2014). It is a set shot taken from the ‘spot’, 6.7 meters directly in front of the goal and is highly technical; the ball needs to be delivered into a goal 3.6 meters by 2.1
meters whilst avoiding the goalie (Isport, 2014).
Figure 1. View of the goal from where the player will take the shot
score a goal the penalty flick needs to perfectly executed with power and
accuracy to ensure it goes in the goal and the goalie is unable to
defend it (Hussain et al., 2010). For this to happen the biomechanics of the
skill need to be executed effectively and efficiently. Biomechanics refers to the
study of the human body as a machine, how forces act upon it to cause movement
and how these forces can be used to help the body move with precision,
resulting in optimum performance (Hede, Russell, & Weatherby, 2011). Knowledge of biomechanics can be very useful to physical educators, exercise
scientists and sports professionals to improve their own or others sporting
performance whist decreasing the chance of injury (Wuest & Fissette, 2012). This
blog will discuss the important biomechanical principles relevant to performing
the optimum penalty stroke in field hockey.
Video 1. Successful penalty stroke
preparing to take a penalty shot it is important the attacker bends their
knees. Doing so will produce a low centre of gravity. The centre of gravity is the point where the body’s weight is evenly
distributed which changes through movement. Creating a low centre of gravity increases
stability and therefore performance accuracy (Blazevich, 2012).
Coach’s Eye application on the iPad was used to record the same player
executing two styles of penalty strokes. The first recording shows a step
forward being taken as the shot is taken, the second without. Velocity of the ball was then
calculated to see which movement produced the most force.
Calculations for velocity of the ball
Scaling Factor = 0.023
Frame to frame = 0.7m - Divided by
scaling factor = 30.43m
Time between frames on an ipad =
Velocity = Distance / time
Velocity = 9.22 m.s
Scaling Factor = 0.023
Frame to frame = 0.4m - Divided by
scaling factor = 17.39m
Time between frames on an ipad =
Velocity = 5.27 m.s
above results show that taking a step forward during the shot will cause the
ball to travel at a higher velocity. This step forward widens
the players base of support, ‘the
area within an outline of all ground contact’ (Whiting & Rugg, 2012) which is
effective in increasing stability. To maintain balance throughout the skill the
centre of gravity needs to be maintained through static and dynamic aspects by
keeping it above the base of support (Kwon,
Park, Jefferson & Kim, 2013)
Force summation refers to a
combination of forces produced by separate parts of the body (Anonymous, 2012).
Stepping forward during skill execution is a way to maximise this, it
is important to step in the direction of the force to heighten force summation. To enhance the velocity of the ball it
is effective to use the maximum number of muscles in the correct sequence.
During the penalty stroke if the player starts with a step the movement begins in
the legs, a large muscle group that can produce lots of energy. The most powerful flick
will occur if that energy then travels through the hips, torso and then upper
body (Wuest & Fissette, 2012).
All movement in sport require the synchronisation of many joints,
this process is known as the kinetic (moving)
chain. The kinetic chain has two categories, push –like and throw-like movements
(Blazevich, 2012). The push-like movement is when a single movement occurs and
joints are extended simultaneously. In this process torques are produced at each joint collectively to produce and
overall force. Torques refers to a force applied at a distance that causes rotation on an object, also known as moment of force (Blazevich, 2012). The
push-like movement is produced when doing a bench press, squat lift and dart throw and is
often used to lift heavy object and for straight line movements due to its
accuracy (Blazevich, 2012). The field hockey penalty stroke would be a
throw-like movement, this is when movement from each body part occurs
sequentially starting proximal to the body and finishing distal, allowing time for forces to be
summated (Blavevich, 2012).
to Newton’s Third Law all actions
have an equal and opposite reaction. A hockey flick does not allow any back swing and therefore needs to find another way to produce as much force as
possible. Newton's second law states
the ball needs to be acted on by a force comparative to it for it to
accelerate, the more force applied the faster the acceleration (Adrien &
Cooper, 1989). When taking a penalty stoke, as the player steps forward the
pelvis rotates to the left as the hockey stick begins to move the ball. This is
a way of producing great force through the ball; it is congruent with the
kinetic chain and summation of forces. Hip rotation allows more momentum to be produced and transferred
to the hockey ball. The principle of momentum states that the greater the
momentum the body has, the greater the effect on the object. To be effective in
momentum transfer, the body must be stable (Hede, Russell & Weatherby, 2011).
The rotation of the body also relates to the angular velocity. The faster the angle of the player changes, in
this case the hips moving from a side on position to facing the goalie, the
faster the ball will move (Blazevich, 2012).
Levers are another
biomechanical principle relevant to hockey; a hockey stick acts as a third
class level. A lever can be used to produce speed, however in the case of the
penalty stroke when the grip on the stick is shortened accuracy of the shot
will improve. To do this the player must have there right hand further down the
stick, this is demonstrated below (Hay, 1993). In the follow through phase of
the skill it is important the momentum of the stick continues until it reaches
waist height of the player, it should be pointed toward the target in order to guide the hockey ball in the desired
direction (Pappas, 2012).
3. Image (B) shows the correct grip for the penalty stroke. Right hand should be further down the stick to increase control and accuracy.
The Answer
are many different biomechanical principles impacting the field hockey throughout the skill phases. To execute the shot effectively and efficiently with
power and accuracy, players and coaches need to consider these. The most
effective way to deliver this skill is to have knees bent during preparation; this
helps the player to be stable due to a low centre of gravity being formed. During the contact
phase the player must step forward to initiate the movement. This does two
things: it creates a large base of support to maintain balance through the movement
and allows for force summation to occur. More energy is produced by the larger muscles
groups, if the movement starts in the legs a large amount of energy will then
be transferred through the hips, torso and upper body to the ball, building
force to help the ball travel at a high velocity. It is important to ensure the
player starts in a side on position to the goalie to allow hip rotation during
the shot, this produces angular velocity which will generate force to increase
the velocity of the ball. To increase accuracy the players right hand need to
approximately 30cm down the hockey stick from the left hand to shorten the lever. The follow through
should continue to help guide the ball in the required direction.
Figure 4. The penalty shot is best accomplish with knees bent (A) followed by a step forward (B) and finally hips rotating and stick follows the ball (C).
else we can use this information
biomechanical principles discussed in this blog would be helpful to professional
sports people and coaches as they can be applied to many different sports. For
example, being aware that a wide base of support improves stability is useful
in sports such as tennis, rugby and gymnastics, just to name a few.
Figure 7. The base of support can also be the hands.
The biomechanics aspects of levels that are relevant to the
hockey penalty stroke are also applicable to other sports with striking implements.
In golf when a player is putting, if their hands are spread apart they will
have more control over the club and ball.
Having the basic knowledge of biomechanical principles relevant to the sport someone is playing or coaching will allow them to practice and be aware of the best way to execute a skill to improve their overall performance.
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